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Parampara/ Sri Satyanatha Tirtha

सत्यनाथगुरुः पातु यो धीरो नवचन्द्रिकाम्।
नवामृतगदातीर्थताण्डवानि व्यचीकॢपत्॥

|| satyanAthaguruH pAtu yo dhIro navacandrikAm .
navAmR^itagadAtIrthatANDavAni vyacIkL^ipat ||

Sri Satyanatha Tirtha

Shri Satyanatha Teertharu as a real representative of the Madhva Darshana popularised the cult of Bhakti and rendered notable service to the cause of Madhva Vaishanvaism.

Shri Satyanatha Teertha, before ordination as a sanyasi was known as Shri Narashimacharya. His father's name was Shri Krishnacharya, his mother's name was Rukmini Bai. Previously he was ordained as an ordinary ascetic long before by the pontiff of the Uttaradi Math and was known by two names Shri Vidhyanatha Teertharu and then Shri Raghunatha Teertharu respectively. Soon after installation as a monarch of the Vedantha Samrajya, he was called as Sri Satyanatha Teertharu. Shri Satyanatha Teertha Swami toured places, propagating Dwaita Philosophy.

Shri Satyanatha Teertha is one of the stalwarts of Madhwa philosophy and is popularly known as "Abhinava Vyasaraja". His Holiness travelled all over India and propogated Dvaitha Vedantha and Bhagavatha Dharma, througout his life, Bringing the mesage of Bhakti and Bhagavtha Dharma to the suffering humanity. Thus Shri Satyanatha Teertha enjoyed an eventful pontificate throne of Shri Uttaradi Matha and finally reached Veeracholapuram on the banks or river Pinakini. Because of his failing health and with his vision he could know that the time has come handover the reigns of the Matha to his successor Shri Satyabhinava Teertha and sent word for him.

1) On an earlier occasion , during the performance of the Mahasamaradhana of his Guru, a noted disciple Shri Chalari Narasimahacharya was bitten by a venomous cobra. Swami with his mantrasidhi and spiritual power, brought him back to life.

2) When the call came from the Lord on Margasira Sukla Panchami to renunciate the present life, the Mahasamaradhana of his Guru just five days away. With the feeling that he would be failing in his duties, if he is to leave at juncture , the saint with the blessings of the Lord and his "Taponigraha" could hold his life for 5 more days, by performing the Poojas to Moola Rama and Sita and celebrated the Mahasamaradhana of his Guru, in a grand manner and handed over the Vedantha Samrajya to Shri Satyabhinava Teertharu and entered Brindavana in the year 1673 AD on the banks of the river South Pinakini near Veeracholapuram on Margashira Sudha Ekadasi. The life of Shri Satynatha Teertha is illustrious and has been recorded in a detailed composition named "Shri Satyanatha Abhyudaya"

|| Shri Krishnarpnamstu ||

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Abhinava Granthas 1] Abhinava Chandrika 2] Abhinavaamrutha 3] Abhinava Tandava 4] Abhinava Gada Parashu Granthas 1] Mayavada Khandana 2] Mithyatvanumana Khandana 3] Upaadhi Khandana 4] Nyaya Sudha Parashu Vijayamala Karmanirnaya Tippani

contact details

Sri V. Vadirajan Brindavana Archaka, Veercholapura - 605 755 Kodangal, Tamil Nadu Phone no: 9486218256


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