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Sri Jayateertha Vidyapeetha - Bengaluru

Sri Jayateertha Vidyapeetha - Bengaluru-0
Considering the increasing interest in Vedic learning in the society, Sri Satyapramoda Tirtha Swamiji found it necessary to establish an institution in the year 1989 on the lines of the age-old Gurukula System, which was named Jayateertha Vidyapeetha.
This unique institution is doing yeomen service to the society and is well known in imparting traditional education of high stantdard to its inmate students.

The age-old glory

Uttaradi Math, is well known for its scholastic richness. Many saints who adored this great seat stand as example for the high standard of scholarship of this Math. Spreading the eternal Vedic knowledge through disciplic succession is the primary motto of this Math.

The river of sacred knowledge flowed incessantly for centuries in this traditional gurukula system. Several champions of Dvaita Philosophy like Sri MadhwacharyaSri Padmanabha Tirtha, Sri Akshobhya TIrtha belonged to this lineage. Sri Jayateertha, the prolific commentator of Shri Madhvacharya, was one such bright star, who illuminated the skies of Madhva Philosophy.

The lineage continued unabated and great stalwarts like Sri Raghuttama TeerthaSri Vidyadheesha Tirtha rejuvenated it from time to time. This traditional gurukula system during the reign of Sri Raghuttama Teertha produced great commentators. Scholars who were trained by him - Tarangini Ramacharya, Pandurangi Anandabhattaraka, Hulagi Huccacharya to name a few, greatly contributed to the Dvaita-Advaita polemics.

In the 20th Century, this Uttaradi Math Gurukula system reached new heights under the leadership of Sri Satyadhyana Tirtha. Several pontiffs belonging to different maths of Madhva lineage were his pupils who successfully carried the torch of knowledge to the 21st century.

The Dawn of a new Era

Shri Satyapramoda Teertha Swamiji, following the footsteps of his predecessors, imparted knowledge to hundreds of students who were trained to become to great scholars. They propagated Vedic Philosophy in different parts of the country. This mission continued for several decades. Keeping this motto in mind considering the increasing interest in Vedic learning in the society, he found it necessary to establish an institution in the year 1989 on the lines of the age-old Gurukula System, which was aptly named Sri Jayateertha Vidyapeetha. This unique institution is doing yeomen service to the society and is well known in imparting traditional education of high standard to its inmate students.

Subsequently, with the divine blessings of his Guru Shri Satyapramoda Teertha Swamiji, Shri Satyatma Teertha Swamiji has been running Jayateertha Vidyapeetha with great success. Nearly 200 students are being rigourously trained here in various branches of knowledge like Grammar, Linguistics, Logic, Mimamsa, Sankhya, Yoga, Veda, Jyotisha, Advaita, Vishistadvaita and Dvaita systems. The students are also trained in Modern Philosophies.

Vidyapeetha - A Kalpavruksha

This Vidyapeetha is like Kalpavruksha fulfilling the wishes of all. Sri Satyapramoda Tirtha is the punya bhumi (holy land) on which this Kalpavruksha stands.

Sri Satyatma Tirtha Swamiji is that water-bearing cloud which showers incessantly and nourishes this Kalpavruksha at all times.

Sudha Visharada Pandita Poojya Kulapati Sri Guttal Rangacharya, a renowned scholar who has a unique distinction being a Sripada Putra (purvashrama son of Sri 1008 Sri Satyapramoda Tirtha Swamiji of Uttaradi Math and Sripada Pita(purvashrama father of Sri 1008 Sri Satyatma Tirtha Swamiji of Uttaradi Math), is a leading light in the multi-faceted development of the Vidyapeetha. He is like the root of the Vidyapeetha tree, nourishing it with knowledge.

Vidwan Sri Satyadhyanacharya Katti, an able administrator and a man with a vision, is like the trunk of this Vidyapeetha tree, supporting it and at the same time, allowing it to reach greater heights.

Several learned scholars, who impart spiritual knowledge to the inmates from basics to complex subjects are like the branches of this tree, who guide and mould the student into a responsible individual and the future torch bearer of the society.

The different branches of learning viz. Poetry, Grammar, Logic and Mimamsa are like the leaves of this Kalpavrukhsa.

The dvijas(students) of this Vidyapeeth are the birds(also dvijas in sanskrit) coming from various regions and building their nests on this Kalpavruksha.

This Kalpavrulsha is fully blossomed with beautiful flowers called the Veda and Vedanta.

The feet of Lord Vishnu, an abode of ever lasting bliss, is the fruit of this Kalpavruksha provided by the Almighty for all noble souls desiring salvation.


The uniqueness of this institution is that its students are specially trained under the guidance of Shri 1008 Shri Satyatma Teertha Swamiji for 12 years with initial 9 years of training at the Jayateertha Vidyapeetha Residential Campus where they attain mastery over Kavya, Vyakarana, Sahitya, Vedas, Sankshya, Yoga, Jaina, Bauddha, Shakta, Advaita, Vishistadvaita and Dvaita Philosophies under the guidance of Kulapati Sudha Visharada Vidwan Guttala Rangacharya, Principal Vidwan Satyadhyanacharya and several other experienced Adhyapakas.

During the last 3 years of the course, the students are given extensive classes in Shriman Nyaya Sudha, Tatparya Chandrika, Tarkatandava etc, on tour directly by the learned Swamiji, thus giving the student an opportunity to expand his knowledge base by getting exposure at an early age to the scholarly world with the opportunity to meet several esteemed scholars and conducting debates and discussions with them in esteemed centers of learning accross the entire country like Kashi, Prayag, Delhi, Pune, Rajahmundry etc.


After succesfully completing the 12 year course, the students are awarded the title "Sudha Vidwan" in a grand convocation function called the "Sudha Mangala", held at various prime centers of learning. To make themselves eligible for the title the students have to present a paper orally before distinguished scholars and also take an oral exam in Shriman Nyaya Sudha, the magnum opus of Dvaita Philosophy. The candidate is tested for all round skills and then declared to be eligible for the title by a jury of scholars headed by His Holiness.


The Graduates of this Vidyapeetha then dedicate their lives for the service of the humanity. As per the orders of His Holiness, the Graduates go and settle in different cities and villages of our country to spread the Philosophy of Madhwacharya. The Graduates conduct classes, workshops, discources and several educative events throught the year for men, women and children to inclulcate interest in Religion, Philosophy and Dharma.

Several of such alumni of this Vidyapeeth are conducting Research, Patha, Pravachana, Workshops at various cities and villages through out the country and creating a wave of reformation by imparting spiritual education and providing most-essential religious services to everyone. These are truly the future torch bearers of Vedic learning and great leaders of the Society.

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