सत्यसंकल्पवार्ध्यूत्थः सत्यसंतुष्टचंद्रमाः ।
प्रार्थिताशेषदाता च भक्तवृंदस्य नित्यदा ॥
satyasaMkalpavArdhyutthaH satyasaMtuShTachaMdramAH।
prArthitAsheShadAtA cha bhaktavRRiMdasya nityadA ॥
Sri Sathyasanthustha Theertha was the Peethadipathi of Sri Uttaradi Math for a period of just 8 months. Sri Sathyasankalpa Theertha initiated His Holiness into Sanyasa. During the period of His Holiness, Sri Uttaradi Math was facing financial crisis and is Holiness was supposed to have improved the financial state to a large extent.